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New Tools For Designers

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Discover some of the best graphic design software and tools for all types of designers.

Designers used to be limited to only a few choices for professional graphic design tools.

Now the field is open, and designers can choose from a wide range of design tool options, including open-source platforms.

No longer are graphic design tools strictly limited to PC or Mac operating systems, either. You’ll find many that have iOS and Android mobile apps, too, with support for Linux and Chrome OS.

The dizzying array of editing tools can make it difficult to pick the best graphic design software. Our roundup focuses on some oldies but goodies, such as Adobe Photoshop, as well as some new kids on the block, like Affinity Photo.

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10 best graphic design software tools in 2022

1. Adobe Illustrator
2. Affinity Designer
3. Procreate
4. Adobe Photoshop
5. Affinity Photo
6. Canva
7. Gravit Designer
8. Adobe InDesign
9. Pixlr
10. Figma

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