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How To Build Your Network

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Networking is essential in building a business, but what if you’re not a natural schmoozer?

It’s well known that networking is the key to a successful career. You can have the skills and the education, but without connections, it will be very difficult to get a job or even build a business.

A lot of people have trouble with networking because they are introverted, feel like they are using people and come off as selfish instead of helpful. Here are seven tips that will help you, even if you’re not a natural schmoozer.

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1. Focus on the right people.

The secret to networking isn’t to attend a networking event and pass out as many business cards as you can. It’s not meeting as many people as possible in hopes something will work out. Instead, you need to concentrate on the people who you know will be able to make a difference in your career.

2. Create win/win situations.

It’s very important that both you and the other party gain equally when networking. If you benefit more than the other person, he or she will feel cheated and used. When that happens, you won’t be able to go back and build a long-term relationship.

3. Give before you receive.

In networking situations, people expect you to ask them for help. If you turn that around and just offer some support, your networking partner will be grateful and want to return the favor.

4. Become a connector.

You don’t always have to gain something in a networking relationship. If you can introduce people who can benefit from one another, it’s just as effective. You can build a stronger rapport with multiple people.

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